CS 513: Design and Analysis of Data Structures and Algorithms

Fall 2024, Rutgers University

Time and Location
Monday, Wednesday, 2:00pm – 3:20pm, Hill 116

Roie Levin, Core 306

Office Hours
Monday 10:00am – 12:00pm

Teaching Assistant
Songhua He – Monday 7:00pm – 8:00pm, Zoom, Wednesday 3:30pm - 4:30pm, Hill 410.

Course Description

The course covers a broad set of topics in algorithms design and analysis. The goal is to cover tools and algorithms that give students the ability to (a) recognize which tool or method to apply to problems, (b) become reasonably proficient at using these tools, (c) be able to reason about the correctness and performance of the resulting algorithms. Towards the end of the course, students will get some exposure to modern trends in algorithms research.

I will expect students with undergraduate algorithms knowledge. There will be a Homework 0: if you plan to take this course, please make sure you are comfortable with the material therein.

Topics I plan to cover include:

  1. Divide and conquer.
  2. Dynamic programming.
  3. Randomized algorithms.
  4. NP-hardness and intractability.
  5. Linear Programming.
  6. Approximation algorithms.
  7. Online algorithms.


All homework is due at 11:59 pm on the specified day. The lowest homework grade will be dropped.

(Tentative) Schedule

Date Topic Lecture Notes Optional Reading
Divide and Conquer      
Sep 04 Course Overview and Basics Review, Karatsuba Multiplication notes Possible textbooks for an undergrad course: Tim Roughgarden’s textbook, CLRS textbook, DPV textbook
Sep 09 Strassen’s Algorithm, Median of Medians notes Some (advanced) intuition for Strassen’s algorithm: 1, 2
Dynamic Programming      
Sep 11 Edit Distance, Knapsack notes More fun examples of DP from Kleinberg Tardos textbook (slides from Kevin Wayne): 1, 2
Data Structures and Amortized Analysis      
Sep 16 Dijkstra’s and Amortized Analysis Techniques notes Anupam Gupta’s amortization notes and shortest path slides, Jeff Erickson’s notes
Sep 18 Binomial Heaps, Fibonacci Heaps notes Kevin Wayne’s slides on binary & binomial heaps and on Fibonacci heaps
Greedy Algorithms      
Sep 23 Fibonacci Heaps Wrapup, Minimum Spanning Trees and Union Find notes Animations of Kruskal & Prim’s algorithm, Notes from CMU class taught by Acar, Blelloch, Reid-Miller, Michel Goemans’ intro to matroid theory notes
Randomized Algorithms      
Sep 25 Probability Review, Karger’s min-cut Algorithm, Quicksort notes Online probability textbook by Pishro-Nik, Chapters 0-5. Textbooks on randomized algorithms: Mitzenmacher & Upfal, Motwani & Raghavan
Sep 30 Concentration of Measure and Applications notes Pishro-Nik textbook, Chapter 6. Many great books on concentration of measure: Dubhasi & Panconesi, Boucheron, Lugosi, Massart, Vershynin. Also 5 proofs of Chernoff bounds, pick your favorite!
Oct 02 Applications of Chernoff bounds, Valiant Hypercube Routing notes Chapter 4.6.1 in Mitzenmacher & Upfal 2nd edition, Valiant’s original paper
Oct 07 Wrap-up Hypercube Routing, Hashing notes Anupam Gupta’s lecture notes on hashing and discussion of other collision resolution schemes
Oct 09 Perfect Hashing, Bloom Filters notes Why the classic Bloom Filter analysis is a little wrong and how to fix it
Linear Programming and Optimization      
Oct 14 Flows and Matchings notes Animations of basic flow algorithms. Kleinberg & Tardos textbook has good chapters on flow. David Williamson’s textbook for more advanced flow algorithms.
Oct 16 Linear Programming I notes Excellent textbook by Matoušek/Gärtner. Online LP solver, more serious solvers: CVXOPT, COIN-OR. Commerical solvers: Gurobi, CPLEX.
Oct 21 Linear Programming II    
Oct 23 Intro to Gradient Descent    
Limits of Computation      
Oct 28 Limits of Computation and the Complexity Hierarchy    
Oct 30 NP-Hardness and Reductions    
Combatting Intractability      
Nov 04 Approximation Algorithms I    
Nov 06 Approximation Algorithms II    
Nov 11 Fast(er) Exponential Time Algorithms    
Nov 13 Beyond Worst-Case Algorithms    
Decision Making Under Uncertainty      
Nov 18 Online Algorithms and Competitive Analysis    
Nov 20 The Experts Problem and Multiplicative Weights    
Nov 25 The Online Primal Dual Method    
Nov 27 Thanksiving Break, No Class    
Dec 02 Thanksiving Break, No Class    
Misc Topics      
Dec 04 Dimensionality Reduction, Johnson-Lindenstrauss    
Dec 09 Locality Sensitive Hashing    
Dec 11 Low Recourse Algorithms    
  Final Exam, In-class